Why watch?
No marketing, ever.
Speakers are selected based on their submission, not how much money their company paid; we will never, ever sell a speaking slot. Attendee information isn't for sale either, and that includes any sponsors.
We want anyone in the industry to be able to come, which means keeping tickets reasonably priced (thanks largely to our generous sponsors). We also offer free and discounted tickets to students and open source contributors, so please reach out if you're interested.
For everyone in the community.
Our community is dedicated to providing an inclusive, enjoyable experience for everyone in the video industry. In this pursuit, and in keeping with our love for reasonable standards, we adopted the Ada Initiative's code of conduct.
Our Speakers
Ali C. Begen
Networked Media and Ozyegin University
You Deserve Low-Latency Sports and We Serve It via Content-Aware Playback
Talk overview -
Guillaume du Pontavice
Improving Streaming Experience with Bayesian Optimization, from AB to AZ test!
Talk overview -
Jacques Blom
Milk Video
The browser as a video rendering engine: Deep dive into time management
Talk overview -
Loke Dupont
How we accelerated Live 2 VOD delivery from 15 minutes to under a minute
Talk overview -
Nicolas Levy
A Pirate's Tale: Building a client-side anti-piracy solution in a week
Talk overview -
Pulkit Tandon
Txt2Vid: Ultra-Low Bitrate Compression of Talking-Head Videos via Text
Talk overview -
Zoe Liu
Pseudo HDR - Enabling HDR Experience For SDR Video Streaming to Ordinary Devices
Talk overview
The Schedule October 5th, 6th, 7th, 2021 All times are shown in Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-7)
Tuesday 5th
15min break
15min break
15min break
Wednesday 6th
15min break
15min break
11:45 - 12:10
Guillaume du Pontavice
Improving Streaming Experience with Bayesian Optimization, from AB to AZ test! -
15min break
12:25 - 12:40
Zoe Liu
Pseudo HDR - Enabling HDR Experience For SDR Video Streaming to Ordinary Devices -
Thursday 7th
15min break
15min break
15min break

About us
Demuxed is simply engineers talking about video technology. After years of chatting about video at the SF Video Technology Meetup, we decided it was time for an engineer-first event with quality technical talks about video. Our focus has traditionally been on content delivered over the web, but topics cover anything from encoding to playback and more!
Most of the organization and work behind the scenes is done by folks from Mux (Demuxed came first ☝️) but none of this would be possible without amazing people from the meetup.
Every year we get a group together that's kind enough to do things like schedule planning, help brainstorm cool swag, and, most importantly, argue heatedly over which talk submissions should make the final cut.

Our Sponsors
Day 1 Sponsor
Day 2 Sponsor
Day 3 Sponsor